Wednesday, November 11, 2015



Ain’t That America?

By Tammy Derouin

I can only think of one place in today’s entertainment industry where part of a performance would involve a gigantic American flag.  How about a gigantic American flag made of lights, proudly displayed as the backdrop on stage?  Not only did the Country Music Awards acknowledge our flag as a positive, the first several songs acknowledged this great nation in which we live.  Ain’t that America?
The entertainment industry and I parted ways a long time ago.  Music was the first casualty.  I was a teenager in the 1980’s so when the radio stations changed their tunes and the sound I loved disappeared, I stopped listening. 

Television began to fall out of my nightly routine.  Investigative news programs disappeared as fluff replaced substance.  Good shows were hard to come by as so called reality shows replaced drama.  Well thought out storylines transformed into plots of how to bring out the worst in human behavior.  Is it any wonder the younger generation doesn’t get it?  They grew up not only watching bad behavior but they watched as bad behavior was encouraged.  The government’s bad behavior is the accepted reality in our transformed country... 

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