Tuesday, November 17, 2015

More study, same result on fracking

More study, same result on fracking - The Denver Post:
"One of the stock charges used by those who campaign to ban hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas drilling is that it endangers groundwater supplies.
And yet the pile of studies largely refuting this fear-mongering keeps growing by the year.
In the past month alone, two major studies — one by Yale University and the other by Colorado State University — reached similar conclusions about two different centers of drilling, the first in northeastern Pennsylvania and the second in northeastern Colorado, mainly in Weld County.
...And the study found no dangerous level of any compound, based on federal or state exposure standards.
...Such reports haven't seemed to matter to the green anti-fracking groups that continue to trumpet the alleged dangers to drinking water from oil and gas drilling.
But the reports at least ought to reassure the public, which is often caught between wildly divergent claims over fracking, on this one area of bitter contention."

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