Sunday, November 22, 2015

New DNC Ad Accuses GOP of ‘Equating Islam, All Muslims, With Terrorists’ — but There’s a Big Problem | Video |

New DNC Ad Accuses GOP of ‘Equating Islam, All Muslims, With Terrorists’ — but There’s a Big Problem | Video |

"The problem? Each one of the clips the DNC used as evidence to support its assertion featured a Republican candidate specifically focusing on radical Islam, not Islam as a whole.

Here are the statements from the various Republican candidates that make up the ad:"

One day they will realize the changes they are making will have an adverse effect on them.  
They are so enlightened aren't they?
When the party turns on them it will be a different story.  But will it be too late?  Will the Constitution, which I'm sure they will want to cling to, exist?  

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