Friday, November 13, 2015

New Muslim Majority City Council Member in Michigan Issues Warning - Breitbart

New Muslim Majority City Council Member in Michigan Issues Warning - Breitbart:

"Yet everywhere Muslims have held political power, non-Muslims have suffered – suffered loss of life, or property, income, social standing, or equal rights before the law. Nowhere in any majority-Muslim country today do non-Muslims enjoy full equality of rights with Muslims. Everyone assumes that the Muslims in the U.S. are different and don’t believe in the Islamic laws that lead to that discrimination, but there is no basis for that assumption: there is no American form of Islam that is different from the form that prevails in the rest of the world.

The Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan has already gotten off to a confrontational, divisive start. Perhaps their first order of business will be rename the town Hamtramckistan. Does anyone who is genuinely informed about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat really think that from here on out it is going to get better?"

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