Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Remember When Obamacare Was Supposed To Help Small Businesses?

Remember When Obamacare Was Supposed To Help Small Businesses? - Forbes:
"Obamacare promised to help small businesses.
But it’s now clear that small businesses don’t want the law’s brand of help.
Specifically, they want nothing to do with Obamacare’s “Small Business Health Options Program,” or SHOP. 
This online marketplace was supposed to allow employees at small firms to choose from among competing, low-cost plans — and grant employers tax credits to help them pay for coverage.
But in reality, SHOP has been a massive flop.
Earlier this year, the Congressional Budget Office projected that a million people would enroll. Instead, 85,000 workers from 11,000 companies have done so.
Those 85,000 represent less than 1 percent of all workers covered by small-group plans outside Obamacare’s exchanges."
Obamacare has also failed to reduce premiums for small businesses.
Most haven’t ventured onto the SHOP exchanges because the plans available are more expensive than the ones they already have..."

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