Saturday, November 07, 2015

This oughta reduce crime--------Obama Admin Now Refers to Juvenile Delinquents as 'Justice-Involved Youth'

Obama Admin Now Refers to Juvenile Delinquents as 'Justice-Involved Youth' - Leah Barkoukis
Much like the term ‘illegal immigrants’ became politically incorrect, so too has ‘juvenile delinquent,’ apparently.
The Obama administration is now referring to this group of individuals as “justice-involved youth.’
In a news release on Monday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ is “committed to giving justice-involved youth the tools they need to become productive members of society.”
Lynch said the Justice Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development are launching a $1.7-million initiative to help Public Housing Authorities and legal assistance groups "reduce barriers for justice-involved youth."

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