Thursday, November 19, 2015

Univ. of Vermont holds privilege retreat for students who 'self-identify as white'

Univ. of Vermont holds privilege retreat for students who 'self-identify as white'
The University of Vermont held a three-day retreat so students who “self-identify as white” could confront their own “white privilege.”
“Examining White Privilege: A Retreat for Undergraduate Students Who Self-Identify as White” took place last weekend, November 13-15, and was “specifically for white students.”
“How does whiteness impact you?”    
According to the university, the self-identifying white students who attend the retreat will come to “recognize and understand white privilege from an individual experience” and have the opportunity to “conceptualize and articulate whiteness from a personal and systematic lense as well as the impact of white privilege on the UVM community and beyond.”
The self-identifying white students also tackled tough questions such as “What does it mean to be white?” and “How does whiteness impact you?”
The university website features testimonials from past attendees of the retreat, who praised the way the event was a “safe space...”

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