Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ya think?-----Pollsters defend craft amid string of high-profile misses

Pollsters defend craft amid string of high-profile misses | TheHill:
"Can the public trust the polls?
The question is gaining intensity following a string of misses — most recently in Kentucky’s gubernatorial race — that has fueled doubts about survey accuracy and forced the industry into some soul-searching amid an election season when polls are both ubiquitous and increasingly influential to the process of choosing candidates.
...“Not every poll,” Koning added, “is a poll worth reading.”
Scott Keeter, director of survey research at the Pew Research Center, agreed.
Placing too much trust in early surveys, when few voters are paying close attention and the candidate pools are their largest, “is asking more of a poll than what it can really do.”
“A high degree of skepticism is certainly warranted,” he said."

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