Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Evil exists!!!-----Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.

Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.
Horror stories are emerging from South Africa about the gang rape of white men in police holding cells. 
White men are arrested for crimes such as “speeding,” or “witnessing a crime.” They are placed in a holding cell with hardened black crimes.
They are brutally gang raped by the black criminals, often with black police officers egging them on. The white victims are then released without being charged with any crime. Several white victims have sued police departments, but nothing has happened yet.
The following piece was written by Gayton McKenzie, a black gang member in South Africa, and published in a research paper at the University of Pretoria.
He describes a young, skinny white male who is being held for Marijuana use. Source.
“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. 
His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars …
The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. I
t goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. 
The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. 
He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”
“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. 

What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. 
He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. 
I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast...”

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