Saturday, December 05, 2015

Police Spokesman Stunned as News Cameras ‘Rush’ Inside San Bernardino Killers’ Home and Broadcast Live | Video |

Police Spokesman Stunned as News Cameras ‘Rush’ Inside San Bernardino Killers’ Home and Broadcast Live | Video |

"Media members bombarded into the San Bernardino apartment of Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik Friday afternoon, after the property’s landlord pried off the board covering the door.

With cameras armed, MSNBC caught the first images of the Farook and Malik’s apartment. A driver’s license, various pictures, and multiple Korans were shown live on television."

This is completely unacceptable!  
The apartment is now contaminated.
Every single one of them should be arrested.
The left will stop an nothing to promote their agenda.
Obama will claim it was street violence and will call for more gun laws.  There isn't a gun law out there that would have prevented this or any other terrorist act.

Are we ready to admit we have a problem?
Are we ready to admit it's in the White House?  

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