Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Swedish Foreign Minister claims they 'face collapse' over refugee influx

Swedish Foreign Minister claims they 'face collapse' over refugee influx | Daily Mail Online
Swedish Foreign Minister claims the country is 'facing collapse' because of the mass influx of refugees
  • Margot Wallstrom says Sweden cannot cope with the influx of refugees 
  • Says country is facing collapse as 190,000 asylum seekers arrive each year 
  • Has called on other EU member states to share burden in taking in migrants 
  • The Swedish Foreign Minister has claimed her country is facing collapse due to the mass influx of refugees as the migrant crisis deepens.
  • Margot Wallstrom has said that Sweden cannot cope with taking in refugees at its current level, without it affecting services.
...And Mrs Wallstrom said in an interview: 'I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year - in the long run, our system will collapse.
Since the start of the year, 15 arson attacks throughout the country have targeted refugee reception centres and apartments, reducing some to cinders.
In ten of the recent spate of cases, criminal intent has been established beyond doubt.
On June 19, two Molotov cocktails were hurled at a building housing migrants.
On August 16 a Christian cross was set ablaze near a migrant centre and, the same day, another centre was evacuated after the discovery of a bag containing flammable liquid..."

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