Sunday, December 20, 2015

Yes America, Fences Do Work

Yes America, Fences Do Work | Dispatches From The Conservative Underground:
"If anyone doubts that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are correct when they call for a wall to make America more secure, they only need to take a look at Israel to see a prime example of how well it will work.
From 2000 to 2005 hundreds of Palestinian terrorists coming from the West Bank have conducted suicide bombings and other terror attacks against Israeli civilians.
Israel has responded by erecting a large security fence to protect innocent Israeli civilians.
This massive construction project will run along the Green line between Israel and the West Bank. Israel has previously built a fence around the Gaza strip,  which has effectively stopped all suicide bombings from that area.
Although no fence or wall will be 100% effective, this fence has made it considerably more difficult to launch attacks against our civilians.
Before the fence was built all a terrorist had to do was simply walk over the green line into Israeli territory.
At that time, seventy-five percent of attacks on Israeli civilians came across that border..."

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