Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Excellent read! It's ALL about ethanol-----How Cruz Wins New Hampshire, and the Nomination

Articles: How Cruz Wins New Hampshire, and the Nomination:
"Ted Cruz thinks he's going to win Iowa, and will compete for the nomination with whichever of the establishment candidates wins New Hampshire.
But he's selling himself short.
He should also win New Hampshire, allowing him to wrap up the nomination on March 1st.
For if he wins Iowa, he will have defeated the ethanol lobby.
And beating Big Corn on its home turf is what can propel him to a win in New Hampshire.
People in New Hampshire hate ethanol. 
Ethanol is corrosive, it destroys engines. 
If ethanol-laced gasoline is more than a couple months old, it can't be used in high performance small engines.
It is hydroscopic, attracting water, another problem with performance.
A lot of guys have a personal problem with ethanol.
Go to any tavern in New Hampshire and you'll hear an earful.
There's nothing worse than getting all rigged out with your chain saw, ready to rip, and your saw won't start.
Your ports and jets have been clogged by residue released by the ethanol in your fuel, a solvent.
So you haul your saw down to the mechanic, cursing ethanol the whole way.
Ethanol is despised and resented.
In 2014 the New Hampshire House overwhelmingly passed HB 1220, which would have reduced the ethanol in New Hampshire gasoline.
It was a futile gesture, but a sign of the anger people feel toward this junk.
Ethanol is different than almost any other government boondoggle, in that everyday Americans have to put up with it on a daily basis.
Some government handouts, such as those to Rubio's favorite,
Big Sugar, are easy to ignore.
You pay an extra nickel when you buy a bag of sugar -- big deal.
But a whole lot of people, working class people, actually hate ethanol, in ways that coastal elites don't understand.
And it is especially resented by New Hampshirites because it is a symbol of Iowan perfidy.
New Hampshire voters have never asked for special treatment from the presidential candidates who compete there.
There's no maple syrup support program.
But as soon as Iowa butted in on New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary in 1976, the political elites of Iowa came up with the ethanol boondoggle, and demanded that presidential candidates support it.  
This doesn't sit well in New Hampshire.
Because it's more, of course, than just ethanol.
It's craven politicians seeking the White House, in the first state they compete in, whoring for the votes of a special interest that the rest of the country is forced to put up with. 
It's corporate welfare in general. 
It's the poster child of the Washington cabal, which is so intensely despised. It's what's wrong with the Republican Party, and the country..."

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