Wednesday, January 20, 2016



Mojave Desert

By Tammy Derouin

It just gets exhausting after a while, doesn’t it?  The thought of sitting through yet another round of narcissistic, self-indulgent lecturing by an individual, who has made it his mission to destroy our country, was unbearable.  As I counted down the minutes to the SOTU, I looked for every excuse to avoid it.  I didn’t want to hear the executive’s voice.  I didn’t want to watch his arrogant swagger.  Most of all, I didn’t want to waste my time listening to lies. 

In the end, I forced myself to watch.  As disturbing as it is, it’s always better to know the intentions of the wolf than to pretend he does not exist.  The SOTU was a predictable love fest; Woodstock would have been jealous.  His performance was also quite predictable.  He is always disappointing so he lived up to the low expectation.   

The executive delighted his captive (no pun intended) audience with fairy tales.  He has created an alternate reality throughout his term in office.  It’s a reality which only exists in his larger than life head.  He uses his pen to draw out the plans.  He shows the fictional inflated progress as he continues to give us his mandatory one-way directions.  Selling it like a swindler selling water front property in the Mojave Desert, you become the fool if you don’t take the bait.

The performance to sell this sham is always the same...  

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