Thursday, January 21, 2016

Our national collapse-----legal immigrants who overstay visas rarely investigated

Illegal immigrants who overstay visas rarely investigated - Washington Times
The federal government doesn’t investigate 99 percent of illegal immigrants who entered the country legally but overstayed their visas, Homeland Security officials told the Senate on Wednesday, exposing what critics said was a giant loophole in immigration enforcement and national security.
Those whose names pop up as security threats or serious criminals draw scrutiny, but most of the rest of the more than 500,000 visitors who didn’t leave when their time was up in 2015 were deemed nonpriorities. 
...But the 1.17 percent defiance rate still meant some 527,127 individuals overstayed, and, as of three months later, more than 400,000 of them were still likely in the U.S.
When combined with previous years’ overstays, the numbers “must be in the millions,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican.
Meanwhile, the government deported only about 2,500 visa overstays last year, and has only about 3,000 active cases — accounting for just a small fraction of the problem.
...At least five of the hijackers involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, attack had arrived on legal visas but overstayed, leaving them in the country to carry out their plot..."

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