Saturday, January 09, 2016

Trey Gowdy Says He Still Doesn’t Have the Answer to ‘Really Important Question’ on Benghazi Attacks | Video |

Trey Gowdy Says He Still Doesn’t Have the Answer to ‘Really Important Question’ on Benghazi Attacks | Video |

“I’ve got a couple of choices. I can issue a report and just tell your viewers — and my fellow citizens — we gave up, we didn’t make them give us the stuff, or I can say, you know what, I’m going to be criticized no matter what I do, so why don’t I just wait and get the documents that we’re entitled to,” Gowdy said in response frustrations on how long the hearings are taking.

Gowdy says the committee is “getting close” to a conclusion and has only approximately 12 more interviews to conduct."

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