Thursday, March 24, 2016

Anti-Gun Professor Looks Out Her Window and Is Paralyzed With ‘Fear,’ So She Calls the Police — Then, They Inform Her of the Truth |

Anti-Gun Professor Looks Out Her Window and Is Paralyzed With ‘Fear,’ So She Calls the Police — Then, They Inform Her of the Truth |

"An anti-gun professor at the University of North Dakota says she dialed 911 in absolute “fear” when she spotted “two figures in camo with guns outside” her classroom window.

“My first thought is for my students’ and my safety: I grab my phone, crawl under my desk and call 911,” Heidi Czerwiec wrote in an op-ed for the Grand Forks Herald.

The professor said she could “barely talk” due to her overwhelming “fear,” but those feelings soon turned into “rage” when the 911 dispatcher informed her of the truth:"

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