Sunday, March 27, 2016

Here Are the Moderate Muslims; Where are YOU?

Here Are the Moderate Muslims; Where are YOU?:

(Photo © Voyou Desoeuvre - Flickr: "Freedom go to hell", CC BY-SA 2.0,
Following the Brussels attacks, I’ve been glued to mainstream media listening very attentively to political pundits, intelligence agencies, experts and analysts. Something in what they are saying sounds familiar. Oh yes – it’s the same rhetoric that we heard since 9/11. Fifteen years down the road from the first mass attack on the West, and all we seem to be able to do is parrot the same questions.
  • Why do they hate us?
  • Why are there so many siblings involved?
  • Why is there lack of co-operation from ‘the community’?
  • Where are the moderate Muslim voices?
For the fiftieth time let me take it from the top.
  • They hate us because they don’t want to accept their own inadequacies and failures. They hate that we have freedoms they do not have and they hate us most because we are a successful liberal democracy while they have not invented or created anything new in the past 100 years. So they fall back on grievances – real and imagined to create a monster they call the West. Also they have declared the West as the land of war (not my words) and they feel justified to attack us. Even Achmed the dead terrorist gets it when he says “I will keel you” But you don’t.
  • Why is the question of sibling involvement so hard to comprehend? Siblings and close friends are the easiest to radicalize because they are close to you and open to your ideas and suggestions. In case of the San Bernardino terrorist couple, we know the wife radicalized the spouse. This is common in close knit communities. So when groups are ghettoized and shut themselves off from the mainstream, this is bound to happen.
  • The community has also been brainwashed by invoking Colonial oppression, invasion of Muslim lands, Afghanistan, Iraq and of course the lightening rod which is the Arab-Israeli conflict. None of these by the way have any bearing on why the radical Islamists are attacking the West because there are few terrorists that come from Afghanistan and Iraq. Pakistan has not been invaded, yet there is a direct link to this country in terms of radical Jihadists.
  • Where are the moderate Muslim voices? Well let me tell you that reform-minded and progressive Muslims have been speaking out since 9/11 and telling you that there is a global Islamist jihadist insurgency that will invade and attack us unless we wake up and smell the coffee.
So let me ask you. 
We are speaking out but what are you doing? 
What actions have the law enforcement agencies, the governments of the Western world and its leadership taken to stem the ideology that is being exported to the West?...
Read it all!!

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