Thursday, March 24, 2016

IRC to seed Montana with refugees (soon!) US State Dept. gives go ahead

David Miliband’s IRC to seed Montana with refugees (soon!) US State Dept. gives go ahead « Refugee Resettlement Watch:

The Mayor, city council and county commissioners of Missoula County Montana have given their blessing to the New York City-based International Rescue Committee headed by former British Foreign Secretary and globalist David Miliband (good friend of both George Soros and Hillary Clinton) to begin the colonization of Montana with third world refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia beginning in Missoula.
I have so much to say, where to begin?  
First, if you are a new reader, see all of my previous posts on Montana by clicking here
Remember the driver for these new offices (this article says Tallahassee, FL just got a new office) is that Obama has upped the number of refugees to be resettled this year from the recent 70,000 a year to 85,000 for FY2016 (runs from Oct. 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016) and frankly they are running out of ‘capacity’ in existing resettlement cities.
Cities are overloaded and experiencing problems with such things as inadequate housing and not enough jobs for refugees.  Tensions are building in overloaded cities and they are looking to get a foothold into fresh territory.
So, since we learn in this article that the approval for the resettlement was granted for this fiscal year, it should happen quickly, AND it also means that the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has already sent a R & P Abstract to the US State Department..." Read on!

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