Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The end of (American) civilization----…And Now the U.S. Ranks Dead Last in Problem-Solving Tech-Skills

…And Now the U.S. Ranks Dead Last in Problem-Solving Tech-Skills | Intellectual Takeout:

  • "Yesterday we learned that the U.S. is failing when it comes to literacy, and how that has a direct effect on our elections.
  • Today we learn that Americans are also failing in what many might consider one of our best skills: digital technology

From The Wall Street Journal:
“A new report [from the National Center for Education Statistics] finds U.S. workers rank dead last among 18 industrial countries when it comes to ‘problem solving in technology-rich environments,’ or using digital technology to evaluate information and perform practical tasks.
The consequences of that emerging competitive disadvantage is energizing the volatile undercurrent of this year’s presidential race, some observers say.
If the problem-solving deficit is bad, the reasons for it may be worse, said Stephen Provasnik, the U.S. technical adviser for the International Assessment for Adult Competency: flagging literacy and numeracy skills, which are the fundamental tools needed to score well on the survey.”
In other words, Americans are whizzes at posting selfies, snap-chats, and other simple messages on social media, but when it comes to actually sitting down and analyzing and applying the things they read, forget it.

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