Saturday, April 16, 2016

DAXIT: Denmark Could Follow Britain Out Of The European Union

DAXIT: Denmark Could Follow Britain Out Of The European Union:
"Denmark could vote to leave the European Union (EU) in the event of a Brexit, a poll has revealed.
According to a survey by polling firm Epinion for business consultancy Analyseenheden 4V, 27 per cent would vote to leave the EU if Britain does the same, compared to 30 per cent who would vote to remain, putting the result within the margin of error.
Given the way referendums have previously gone in the country, with the pro-EU side starting ahead only to be defeated on polling day, this could make Danish withdrawal a real possibility if the country ever held a referendum.
“No referendum has been called, but if it were, the result would likely be a Daxit, or Danexit,” according to Erik Hogh-Sorensen, a partner at Analyseenheden 4V.
...The poll is further evidence that anti-Establishment feeling is sweeping across Europe."

1 comment:

Omega Man said...

Germany should leave the EU! Taxpayers in that country are sick and tired of their tax dollars (euros) going to prop up the incompetent governments of the PIIGS nations.