Friday, April 15, 2016

Europe Is Becoming The New Middle East, US Not Far Behind

Europe Is Becoming The New Middle East, US Not Far Behind | RickWells.US
Before We Know It Europe Will Be The New Middle East
The video opens with an ominous statistic.
“In order for a culture to maintain itself for 25 years there must be a fertility rate of 2.11 children per family.
With anything less the culture will decline.
Historically, no culture has ever reversed a 1.9 fertility rate.
A rate of 1.3 is impossible to reverse,” requiring 80 to 100 years to correct.
They note that there is no economic model that can sustain a culture during that time.
“As a population shrinks, so does the culture,” the video notes, and the population of the Western civilizations are shrinking; birthrates are declining.
Lots more at the site...

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