Thursday, April 14, 2016

Germany To Abandon $1.1 Trillion Wind Power Program By 2019

Germany To Abandon $1.1 Trillion Wind Power Program By 2019 - Technocracy News:
TN Note:
Wind power is four times more costly than nuclear power, and has proven to be a total disaster for Germany, which subsidizes its wind power industry.
So, how is it working out for them?
Well, they threw $1.1 trillion down the sink-hole.
Germany plans to stop building new wind farms by 2019...
Germany’s government, however, has been very supportive of wind power.
The government estimates that it will spend over $1.1 trillion financially supporting wind power, even though building wind turbines hasn’t achieved the government’s goal of actually reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Germany created lucrative subsidies and tax benefits for wind power in 2011 after it decided to abandon nuclear power entirely by 2022 following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan. German utilities are already suing the government for $21 billion over the nuclear shutdown plan.
Electricity from new wind power is nearly four times as expensive as electricity from existing nuclear power plants, according to analysis from the Institute for Energy Research.
The rising cost of subsidies is passed onto ordinary rate-payers, which has triggered complaints that poor households are subsidizing the affluent..."

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