Saturday, April 30, 2016

Group of girls fighting to join California Boy Scout troop

Group of girls fighting to join California Boy Scout troop |
"SANTA ROSA, CA -- The Boy Scouts of America recently changed its policy on gay troop leaders, now that organization faces another controversy, a ban on girls.
A group of girls in Santa Rosa wants to formally join the local troop, and say they will fight on to be one of the boys.
Allie Westover is a fit and active young lady who loves the outdoors.
Until recently, she was part of a Boy Scout's program in Santa Rosa called learning for life which allowed the girls to do the same things as the boys in the troop.
"Just recently they said we couldn't participate," Westover said.
That, after a parent complained.
"Oh my gosh, the girls doing Cub Scouts and Boy scouts activities, so with that they complained to the national," said Danelle Jacobs, a parent.
The girls and their parents are expected to protest on Friday by handing in their applications to the local Boys Scouts Council..."

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