Sunday, April 17, 2016

Heads-up Aberdeen, South Dakota! New resettlement site being proposed

Heads-up Aberdeen, South Dakota! New resettlement site being proposed « Refugee Resettlement Watch:
Update: State Department admits today that the Syrian Sunni surge to America is on, and readers that is why you will see many more stories like this one from South Dakota—they need to find places to put them!
People ask me all the time, how will I know if my town is next?  The only way you will know is by picking up little tidbits of information like this from South Dakota Public Radio.  Hat tip: Joanne
Mike mayor
Aberdeen Mayor Mike Levsen: ““We need workers, and we certainly would be glad to have more friends and neighbors and more children in our schools and more cultures that we can learn from.” [And you get to pay for it all while big business gets cheap labor!]
There is no organized advanced planning for the secretive UN/US State Department resettlement sites.

There is no proper notice to communities. There will be no input from you, the taxpayer paying for all of this.  The process is one big free-for-all with federal contractors, like the Lutherans here, scrambling (especially now!) to find ‘welcoming’ communities with government subsidized housing as the Obama refugee surge has moved into high gear.
[Please see my previous post on the 100-mile radius, because as they move them out from the bulls-eye, they create ever-expanding target ranges for resettlement.—ed]
And, as you read and listen to the public radio story, I want you to think about this!
As infuriating as it is, it is one thing to sign the new refugees up for their “services” (aka welfare, food stamps, education, medical care), but now we see an expanding need to follow previously resettled refugees around the country as they move on their own to make sure they have a federal contractor to hold their hands to get their “services” wherever they move!

Do they ever stop being ‘clients’ of federal contractors?

And, notice that when “integration” is discussed (not ASSIMILATION) that integration seems to be linked somehow to their “services”— to their welfare?  What! no integration without a connection to the taxpayer teat?

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