Monday, April 18, 2016

Why aren’t the Democrats discussing the campus sexual assault ‘epidemic’?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » ASHE SCHOW: Why aren’t the Democrats discussing the campus sexual assault ‘epidemic’? We’re told…:
ASHE SCHOW: Why aren’t the Democrats discussing the campus sexual assault ‘epidemic’?
We’re told campus sexual assault is a massive problem across the country. We’re told that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted while they’re in college. And we’re told we need to enact draconian policies right now in order to stop the epidemic.

So why then, if our country is facing a rape epidemic on par with war-torn Congo, aren’t the presidential candidates being asked about how they would solve the problem?

The candidates are asked every single debate about the Islamic State and how the United States can best fight terrorism. They’re asked about gun control and mass shootings. They’re asked about illegal immigration. But the alleged mass rapes on college campuses? Crickets.

Could it be because every rational person has realized that campus sexual assault is not the epidemic being reported in the media and by politicians eager to prove they support women?
"Well, also the notion that campuses — which are core Left institutions — are hotbeds of rape is problematic past a certain point. 
It’s fine to use as a slogan on campus, but if voters in general start really thinking about campuses as high-cost rape factories, the consequences are likely to be unpleasant."

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