Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Don Surber: The Electoral College likely won't matter

Don Surber: The Electoral College likely won't matter:
"...The points made by Harry Enten:
1. The chance of an Electoral College and popular vote split is small.
2. Without looking at all the states, we don’t know how to interpret state polls.
3. We don’t have a lot of state polls.
His bottom line?
You’re going to hear a lot about the Electoral College this cycle. At various points, one state or another will be declared pivotal. But stay calm, especially with so long to go until Election Day. It’s too early to take any poll too seriously. We’ll have plenty of time to get into the weeds of different Electoral College scenarios in the months to come. For now, if you’re interested in whether Trump or Clinton is likely to be our next president, I’d pay attention to the average of national polls...
With this information, what should a candidate do?
First throw away the old playbook of campaigning only in the purple states. 
That playbook was based on a false assumption, which Harry Enten skewered.
Which means you now campaign in all 50 states. 
Why not?.."

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