Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Government at war with USa-----Prisons don't tell victims if attackers have Hepatitis C

Prisons don't tell victims if attackers have Hepatitis C:
"If any Tennessee inmate spits in the eye of a visitor, the prison system can test the inmate for hepatitis C or other diseases with or without consent.
The visitor must be told if the inmate has hepatitis C, or other infectious diseases.
But if the Tennessee prison system discovers a convicted rapist has hepatitis C, no one will alert the victim who was raped and possibly contracted the deadly disease.
...a physician who specializes in hepatitis C told The Tennessean the chances of transmission through sexual contact go up when the contact is violent.
Notifying victims is one of several steps prisons and state health officials could take to help address a hepatitis C problem that experts inside and outside Tennessee prisons acknowledge has reached epidemic levels.
But in a Tennessee prison system where drugs and violence are common, hepatitis C testing is poor and outdated treatment practices amount to what some consider willful ignorance, thousands of infected inmates are set to return to their communities carrying a deadly disease.
At the same time, an unknown number of victims continue to live unaware they may have contracted hepatitis C from their assailants."

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