Saturday, May 07, 2016

Obama and his eco-luddites-----Want a Zika-Free Caribbean Vacation? Grand Cayman Chooses GMO Mosquitoes

Want a Zika-Free Caribbean Vacation? Grand Cayman Chooses GMO Mosquitoes - Hit & Run :
"The Zika virus that is transmitted through the bites of the Aedes aegypti mosquito is spreading throughout South and Central America and the Caribbean, inclulding Puerto Rico.
The virus has been linked to increases in microencephaly in babies born to mothers bitten by mosquitoes and the paralyzing condition, Guillain-Barre syndrome.
The Centers for Disease Control expects that the virus will make it to the mainland United States sometime this summer.
Absent a vaccine, the chief way to protect public health is mosquito control measures such as spraying insecticides where larva grow.
However, a much subtler and environmentally friendly technique as been developed by the biotech company Oxitec: mosquitoes genetically engineered to pass along a gene that is lethal to Aedes aegypi larva.
Unfortunately, depite the fact that the agency concluded that that technology is safe and actually issued a finding of no significant impact in March, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has caved into anti-biotech activists and has delayed approval this technology..."

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