Saturday, May 07, 2016

Oregon State University Will Force Incoming Students to Take 'Social Justice Training'

Oregon State University Will Force Incoming Students to Take 'Social Justice Training' - Hit & Run :
"...The most pernicious and questionably legal forms of indoctrination aren't happening in the classroom at all, and are primarily driven by administrators rather than professors.
Oregon State University provides a good example.
The campus has plans to implement a new training program for incoming freshmen in the fall of 2016.
..."This training initiative is intended to provide all students entering Oregon State University an orientation to concepts of diversity, inclusion and social justice and help empower all OSU students to contribute to an inclusive university community," according to the proposal.
The modules will brief students on the history of social justice activism at Oregon, stress the importance of diversity and inclusivity, and provide students with resources to "incorporate the pursuit of social justice within their university experiences."
It will let them know about the Bias Response Team, which provides a website where students can report each other for perceived harassment. 
The BRT's latest efforts make clear what kind of nonsense counts as a "bias incident."
 The team has been studiously investigated the appearance of chalk messages on campus.
...Nevertheless, students are encouraged to report chalk drawings that offend them to a variety of university bureaucrats, according to Batista's email.
...Indeed, students might reasonably fear that agreeing with the ideology of the trainers is a precondition of coming to campus.
Students are no longer merely required to grapple with leftist ideas in the classroom—they increasingly must live, sweat, and breathe "oppression studies." 
It is no wonder that so many of them have developed a healthy disrespect for the principles of the First Amendment.
They are being trained—not taught, but trained—to think everything that offends them is a bias incident. "

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