Wednesday, May 18, 2016

They gave 'em $80 million by MISTAKE?!-----Auto insurers could lose tax break after Michigan revenue estimates drop

Auto insurers could lose tax break after Michigan revenue estimates drop |
LANSING, MI -- Declining revenue estimates could prompt lawmakers to eliminate an $80 million tax credit they accidentally awarded to auto insurers.
...With the state looking at a slightly smaller pot as lawmakers from the FY 2017 budget, House Appropriations Chairman Al Pscholka, R-Stevensville, said one thing to do is cut the unintentional tax break.
"I think this creates a real incentive for folks to understand we just can't have a corporate $80 million handout giveaway.
And that needs to get fixed.
So I think it puts a little more urgency to that," Pscholka said.
A tax break the legislature inadvertently gave to auto insurance companies in 2012 is on the chopping block this budget cycle, something auto insurers claim will cause prices to customers to spike by $40 per car..."

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