Monday, June 06, 2016

Ask Slashdot: How Do You Create A Highly-Secure Password?

Ask Slashdot: How Do You Create A Highly-Secure Password? - Slashdot:
"An anonymous reader writes:
A security lab at Carnegie Mellon performed a study on password security recently, and issued a warning about common user misconceptions.
For example, 'ieatkale88' would require 4 billion more guesses than 'iloveyou', because 'iloveyou' is one of the most common strings in passwords.
And the word 'pAsswOrd' would take 4,000 times more guesses than 'p@ssw0rd', simply because "In modern day password-cracking tools, replacing letters with numbers or symbols is predictable."
But then what passwords are secure in the face of these modern password-cracking tools?.."

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