Monday, June 06, 2016

ESPIONAGE ACT VIOLATION? HILLARY EXPOSES Names Of Hidden Intelligence Officials In Emails Through "Gross Negligence" »

ESPIONAGE ACT VIOLATION? HILLARY EXPOSES Names Of Hidden Intelligence Officials In Emails Through "Gross Negligence" »

"One thing we know for sure, with this corrupt administration, anything could happen. Obama seems to have mastered the art of punishing America. Will the most corrupt President to ever occupy our White House, be the one responsible for finally putting end to the Clinton Crime Syndicate…or does she know too much?

Hillary Clinton posted and shared the names of concealed U.S. intelligence officials on her unprotected email system.
Federal records reveal that Clinton swapped these highly classified names on an email account that was vulnerable to attack and was breached repeatedly by Russia-linked hacker attempts. These new revelations — "

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