Wednesday, June 29, 2016

History for June 29

History for June 29 -
George W. Goethals 1858, William Mayo 1861, Antoine de Saint-Exupery 1900

John Toland 1912, Slim Pickens 1919, Gary Busey 1944

1767 - The British Parliament approved the Townshend Revenue Acts. The acts imposed import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea shipped to America.

1804 - Privates John Collins and Hugh Hall of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were found guilty by a court-martial consisting of members of the Corps of Discovery for getting drunk on duty. Collins received 100 lashes on his back and Hall received 50.

1888 - Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy in England.

1903 - The British government officially protested Belgian atrocities in the Congo.

1925 - Marvin Pipkin filed for a patent for the frosted electric light bulb.

1956 - The Federal Highway Act authorized the construction of 42,500 miles of freeway from coast to coast.

1956 - Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller were married. They were divorced on January 20, 1961.

1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth.

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