Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mexplaining Mexican Pride

Mexplaining Mexican Pride - Taki's Magazine
"The most feral and violent contingent of anti-Trump protestors appears to consist of unabashed Mexican supremacists falsely accusing Trump of being a white supremacist.
They are so irreparably dim that they appear to believe that by stomping on cars, throwing rocks at police, and sucker-punching white people, they will finally quell all doubt about whether they deserve to be here.
Behold the parallel-universe specter of hateful assholes hatefully screaming and hatefully attacking people while toting placards that read STOP THE HATE.
Even more absurd is the specter of people who ran screaming from the flaming abyss that is Mexico proudly waving Mexican flags in the USA.
The most unhinged anti-Trump street riot so far occurred on June 2 outside his rally in San Jose, CA. Mexican flags were waved, Trump hats were burned, women were pelted with eggs and water balloons, men were sucker-punched, and white Trump supporters were chased and attacked like beasts of prey.
In every case, assailants or their enablers were seen waving Mexican flags, a symbol of the fierce pride that was sorely insulted by Trump’s candidacy.
Is this the behavior of people who are truly proud, or is it a collective tantrum by people who are secretly ashamed?
“If you’re so proud of Mexico, why are you here?...”

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