"LONDON, United Kingdom - Pro-European spammers have fooled the British establishment into believing a million people a day have signed a petition to hold a second referendum on Brexit.
But doubts were raised about the authenticity of those signing after evidence that a code was being used emerged.
It shows how the petition website was tricked into registering millions of ‘signatures’ from people who do not exist.
Further questions were raised over the petition after analysis showed that just 353k of the nearly 3 million signatures were from the UK.
A total of 3000 were reported to be from Vatican City, a country with a population of just 800.
Most UK national newspapers reported on the petition today, seemingly unaware of the fraud.
The Independent has run multiple stories on the subject, at one stage crowing that the website kept crashing.
The petition is hosted on Parliament’s own website and rules at the House of Commons mean any petition with over 100k signatures is considered for debate by MPs.
...The referendum petition reads: “We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.”
It will be open for the next six months, at the present rate of growth it will have been signed by 1,800,000,000 or thirty times the entire UK population by the time it closes."
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