Liabilities of Liberalism - Taki's Magazine:
"“Liberalism,” James Burnham once wrote,
“is the ideology of western suicide.”

Writers on the right find it fashionable to cite Burnham’s decree.
an era when being white, Christian, male, and proud is as sinful as cold-blooded murder, it appears that liberalism is inspiring massive self-hatred on the forgers of the West.
The statistics don’t lie: White Europeans are a dying breed.
In the U.S., the death rate of middle-aged whites exceeds that of minorities.
In Europe, the birth rates of natives are collapsing.
The number of “nones”—that is, people identifying as faithless—is increasing among young adults.
Put it all together and you have the makings of an entire society slowly smothering the life out of itself.
Is liberalism truly to blame?
It’s an easy answer, for sure.
Leftism is an ideological cancer that brings misery, death, and famine to all societies.
Just ask anyone who has lived (or lives) in a communistic country.
But I don’t think Marx’s brainchild is responsible for what’s ailing America, or the West as a whole.
In fact, I’ve come to think it’s something much more familiar.
The enemy, as Pogo said, may very well be us.
The culprit behind Western lethargy is liberalism, by which I mean the actual definition of liberalism.
Libertarians call it classical liberalism.
Leftist intellectuals call it pluralism or tolerance.
Economists call it laissez-faire.
“The very ethos that gave birth to the most powerful society in history is eroding its very purpose for being.”..."
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