Wednesday, July 20, 2016

An Open Letter To Tiny House Hunters

An Open Letter To Tiny House Hunters « terribleminds: chuck wendig:
"...One day my wife said, “You need to watch this new show.”
And I said, what is it, and does it star Guy Fieri, and will he milk the donkey sauce from his pubic beard into a chicken stock in order to make the soup that takes us all down to the FLAVORPOCALYPSE. 
And she said, no, no, “It’s a new House Hunters show,” and I thought, well, where else can they go? Maybe House Hunters New York Apartments where we follow a broke single person trying to fight rat-swarms in order to find a rent-controlled outhouse-sized apartment for less than the cost of a mansion in Minnesota.
“It’s not that,” she said.
But it was close.
It was very close.
Enter you people.
Hunters of tiny houses.
Cave-humans once stalked lions on the veldt, but you intrepid hunters track itty-bitty homes — houses compressed down like coal until they become the shining diamonds of Spartan living..."

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