Wednesday, July 27, 2016



Founded On Freedom

By Tammy Derouin

The United States was founded on freedom; the belief that man should live free. We the people are not subjects or the property of the state.  A system of government, of the people, by the people and for the people was created by our founding fathers.  The law would no longer be controlled by a head of state.  The law would be created by the elected representatives of the American citizens and applied equally among all.

The beauty of this new system of government continued with the division of powers.  The legislative branch would make the laws.  The judicial branch would interpret the laws and determine their constitutionality, if challenged, and the executive branch would enforce the laws created by the people through elected representation, not one individual.

Each branch would operate within its boundaries as established by the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution.  The branches of government are prohibited from encroaching on the duties and responsibilities of the other.  Too much power or authority within one branch would end freedom and reestablish tyranny.

The war to end dictatorial rule was hard fought but won.  Future generations would live free if they guarded their gifts wisely and vigilantly.  Unfortunately, the gifts of freedom and independence have been taken for granted.  So many, especially our younger generations, do not realized how blessed they are to have been born an American.  Far too many do not have an understanding of the importance of our founding documents.  The United States established freedom and recognized our God given rights.  In the United States, the people control and restrain the government.  This was a revolutionary idea 240 years ago.......

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