Monster Win Is Good For Energy Drink Makers and Consumers -
"July has been a bad month for those leading the foolhardy charge against energy drinks.
Earlier this month saw the quiet but welcome dismissal of a set of lawsuits against Monster, the maker of popular energy drinks.
The suits, filed earlier this year by Morgan & Morgan, a Florida-based law firm, claimed just two cans of Monster could be deadly.
"When the Monster lawsuit started earlier in 2016, the law firm Morgan & Morgan claimed two 16-ounce cans of Monster Energy contained a 'lethal dose' of caffeine and that 'overconsumption of energy drinks has led to heart attacks, strokes and even death,'" reported the news website Inquistr this week.
"The Florida-based personal injury law firm has now asked the courts to dismiss their lawsuits."
The news is particularly noteworthy because the media loudly trumpeted the purported dangers of energy drinks in the wake of the lawsuits.
A Daily Beast piece on the lawsuits, typical of the tone of some reports, described the lawsuits' target under an ominous (and false) heading: "death juice."
Most reports on the lawsuit's withdrawal, when they have appeared, have been of the demure, three-sentence variety. monster
Ominous-sounding lawsuits make for good headlines.
Dismissals no so much.
As part of its campaign against Monster, Morgan & Morgan had launched a website seeking potential plaintiffs to challenge the energy-drink maker.
"If you or someone you know has experienced heart problems, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, kidney failure, or any other adverse effects after drinking Monster Energy drinks," the firm's website advertises, "you may be entitled to compensation."
Maybe not.
"The voluntary dismissal of these lawsuits, we believe, speaks volumes," Marc P. Miles of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, counsel for Monster Energy Company, said in a company press release.
"We believe fairness dictates that the media now write about the dismissals..."
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