Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A short, politically incorrect climate conversation

A short, politically incorrect climate conversation:
"I recently sat next to a woman on a flight from Houston which began with pleasantries regarding the purposes of our trip.
When asked whether mine was for business or pleasure, I said that it combined a bit of both.
I explained that I was on my way to do a media interview.
That led her to ask what it was that I do, to which I answered that I’m in the habit of writing quite a lot about topics that vary considerably, but frequently address stuff about climate and energy . . . often many politically incorrect aspects.
She asked, “You aren’t like that guy in Ohio that doesn’t believe in climate change, are you?”
I responded that I don’t personally know anyone who doesn’t think that climate changes, but there may be one in Ohio that I have yet to meet.
Seems to me that climate change has been going on for quite a while . . . billions of years in fact.
Global temperatures were at least just as warm about 2,000 years ago during the “Roman Warm Period” when popular fashions featured cool-looking sandals and togas.
Conditions were much the same again during the “Medieval warm period” about a thousand years later....
She: “...How can anyone deny the influence of the record levels of CO2 we are polluting the atmosphere with?” (Lots more "fun with morons" here!)
....That abruptly ended our chat.
My seatmate promptly returned to reading a Rolling Stone magazine Bernie Sanders feature.
The rest of that flight was very quiet.
I even got some sleep."

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