Saturday, August 13, 2016

As Hillary Health Worries Explode, Reporter Spots Sick Thing Wrong With Her Feet

As Hillary Health Worries Explode, Reporter Spots Sick Thing Wrong With Her Feet:

"By now, it should appear to everyone that Clinton believes she is not like everyone else — that she is somehow special. After all, she can get away with many things that the average American could face jail time for.

It’s a shameful and embarrassing. However, Clinton has spent her entire life misrepresenting herself. Perhaps she has told the lie that she is an “everyday American” long enough that she believes it.

Perhaps. But the rest of us don’t believe it. While Clinton’s health issues are a serious concern, we are reminded of one of her other sicknesses — hypocrisy, which is a characteristic most unfitting for the president of the United States."

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