Thursday, August 04, 2016


CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE NEW REEFER MADNESS: Hollywood sci-fi filmmakers tapped to dramatize fictional climate change to scare everybody into voting for climate totalitarians -
"(NaturalNews) I'm almost rolling with laughter watching all this unfold:
Because democrats refuse to face the real threats facing America -- Islamic terrorism, debt spending, illegal immigration and job-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare -- they have to invent their own fake emergencies to try to win the votes of people who don't have any clue about the real world.
So-called "climate change" -- previously known as "global warming" but renamed after the data revealed no warming trend at all -- is entirely rooted in false mythologies, official narratives and creative storytelling.
That's precisely why democrats had to hire James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver to present a climate change scary in a new short film.
These are the very same people whose films depict time-traveling Terminator robots, interplanetary aliens with green acid blood, and poltergeists that could be captured with vacuum cleaners (the original "Ghostbusters" movie... the one that didn't suck).
If you believe in time-traveling robots from the future, you might also believe in the climate change narrative, too.
That narrative is based entirely on ridiculous, absurd, make-believe notions such as:
• The hilariously ignorant idea that polar bears can't swim (or even that their numbers are plummeting). In truth, polar bears are champion swimmers, and their population numbers are on the rise.
• The scientifically illiterate notion that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet. In reality, it's the No. 1 nutrient source of all forests, food crops, herbal plants and green zones across the planet. CO2 reforests deserts and amplifies food production. It's also impossible for humans alone to raise CO2 levels much at all for the simple reason that plants are starving for it and keep consuming it as fast as we can make it. (This is Botany Science 101.)
• The laughably anti-science narrative that says oceans are going to rise so quickly, they'll drown out coastal cities and devastate human civilization. In reality, even during warming periods of Earth's history, oceans barely creep up at the pace of only about 1-2mm per year. That's about 1-2 DECADES for a single inch of ocean level rise. (Yep, not exactly the tidal wave apocalypse depicted in climate change scare films, is it?)

There is no man made climate change...

Read on!

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