"This week I am going to do something unusual.
I am going to enter into a conversation with another columnist.
Doing so was not so unusual a few decades back. Bill Buckley and James Jackson Kilpatrick did it when provoked and it was always interesting.
Yet today a columnist is a godlike figure.
Today’s columnist communicates solely with Olympus, and the result is often a bit tedious.
I propose to address the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin and congratulate him on noting that mainstream media (MSM) have passed yet another milepost in their decline.
And he elaborated: “The frenzy to bury Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House.
They are working hand in hand with what was considered the cream of the nation’s news organizations.” Michael writes for a Rupert Murdoch newspaper and I write for the good Times and The American Spectator.
None is a member of the MSM, but I would venture that neither of us is as tyrannized into homogeneity as the writers for the MSM. In fact, there exists more diversity of opinion about Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton where we write than within the MSM. In our audience we trust our readers to decide for themselves.
My only quibble with Michael is that I doubt the MSM had much credibility before it began its ambush of Mr. Trump, though for a certitude it has now gone beyond the point of no return..."
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