Sunday, August 07, 2016

The Student Debt Crisis Is the Predictable Consequence of Subsidies

The Student Debt Crisis Is the Predictable Consequence of Subsidies | Foundation for Economic Education:
"Normally, leftists get upset if there’s a big industry that charges high prices, engages in lots of featherbedding, and manipulates the political system for handouts.
But for some reason, when the industry is higher education, folks like Hillary Clinton think the answer is to shower colleges and universities with ever-greater subsidies.
She says the subsidies are for students, but I point out in this interview that the real beneficiaries are the schools that simply boost tuition and fees to capture any increase in student loans.
And I also pointed out that the colleges and universities don’t even use the money wisely.
Instead, they build bureaucratic empires with ever-larger numbers of administrators while money devoted to the classroom shrinks.
Sort of a pay-more-get-less business model.
Though that only works when there are government subsidies to enable the inefficiency and bloat.
But don’t take my word for it..."
Read on!

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