Wednesday, September 14, 2016

15% Over Target: 11,491 Syrian Refugees Admitted Already; 0.46% Are Christians

15% Over Target: 11,491 Syrian Refugees Admitted Already; 0.46% Are Christians:
( – With three weeks of the fiscal year to go, the Obama administration has exceeded its Syrian refugee admission target by 15 percent, with 11,491 resettled in the United States as of the beginning of this week.
Since President Obama’s goal of 10,000 Syrian refugee admissions in FY 2016 was achieved on August 29, the number continues to pick up steadily.
August ended with a new monthly record of 3,189 Syrian refugee arrivals, and a further 751 have been ushered in so far in September: 749 Sunni Muslims; two Catholic Christians.
State Department Refugee Processing Center data show that of the now total 11,491 arrivals this fiscal year, the vast majority – 11,300, or 98.33 percent – are Sunnis.
Just 54 of the 11,491 – 0.46 percent – are Christians. 
...Obama has yet to announce plans for refugee admissions from Syria for the new fiscal year – although the administration did announce earlier that global admissions would rise from 85,000 in FY 2016 to 100,000 in FY 2017..."

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