Thursday, September 15, 2016

Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable | Boston Herald

Carr: Some Quick, easy steps to tell if you’re a deplorable | Boston Herald:

"In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you may be a deplorable if you stand for the National Anthem.

Or if you know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, especially, “under God.”

Or if when you go to Market Basket, you tend to buy generic products, because you’re using your own money, not an EBT card.

You may be a deplorable if you just got your car inspected.

If you’re deployable, you’re definitely deplorable.

If you wake before noon, if you call Islamic terrorists Islamic terrorists, if you don’t have an Obamaphone and you don’t believe that global warming is “settled science” — can you say deplorable?

You may be deplorable if "

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