Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Clinton Collapse: Is Hillary Clinton Going To Drop Out Of The Race For The White House?

Clinton Collapse: Is Hillary Clinton Going To Drop Out Of The Race For The White House?
What was once unthinkable has now become a very real possibility.  
We have all seen the video which shows Hillary Clinton fainting and collapsing into the arms of Secret Service agents as she waited to get into her van following an abrupt exit from a ceremony commemorating the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  
What has been obvious to many of us for quite a while is now being talked about on every political talk show in America.  
Not too long ago, you were called a “conspiracy theorist” if you dared to question Clinton’s health, but today it is the central issue of the presidential campaign.  With less than two months to go until election day, all of a sudden we are facing some unprecedented scenarios.  
Last month, I openly pondered if Clinton’s rapidly declining health would allow her to make it to election day, and today it is being reported that Democratic operatives are scrambling to figure out who would replace her if she does decide to drop out.  
This has already been the craziest election season in modern times, and I have a feeling that it is about to get even crazier.
For Clinton, it isn’t just the fact that she collapsed in public that has her in trouble.  
An even bigger issue is the fact that her campaign willingly chose to lie about her health status, and this even has many Democrats up in arms.  
The following comes from an excellent piece by Damon Linker
After Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics, she did not, as her physician recommended, take time out to rest. Instead, she attended a fundraiser featuring Barbra Streisand. Then on Sunday morning, she attended the 9/11 commemoration, became “overheated,” and woozily wobbled rather dramatically. Ninety minutes later she exited her daughter Chelsea’s apartment building to tell the press she was “feeling great.” The Secret Service permitted a young girl to come over to give the candidate a hug.
It was only a few hours later when her campaign finally announced that she has pneumonia and is recovering.
The most charitable reading of this timeline is that her campaign — presumably with the blessing and perhaps insistence of the candidate — fully intended to keep her illness a secret from the public. Let’s be clear about what this means: Her campaign intended to lie.
Of course the Clintons have made a career out of lying, and Hillary’s trail of lies has been well documented, but this may be the lie that breaks the camel’s back.
So now that the story has changed several times, are we supposed to trust them when they tell us that Hillary Clinton truly does have pneumonia?
Image result for hillary Aspiration pneumoniaSurprisingly, this might actually be the truth.
But instead of bacterial or viral pneumonia, Hillary Clinton may have something called aspiration pneumonia.
Aspiration pneumonia is the leading cause of death for those suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, and if you have not read the article that I did linking Hillary Clinton with Parkinson’s Disease you can find it right here.  A case of aspiration pneumonia would explain all of the coughing fits that Clinton has been experiencing, and it would be perfectly consistent with what Dr. Ted Noel and other health professionals have been saying about her medical condition..."
Read on!

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