Sunday, September 11, 2016

Clinton’s E-Mail Scandal Stinkier & Stinkier: Documents Destroyed After Subpoena | National Review

Clinton’s E-Mail Scandal Stinkier & Stinkier: Documents Destroyed After Subpoena | National Review:

"The e-mails were destroyed by a technician at Platte River Network (PRN), which had been retained by Clinton to handle her server. The tech is clearly a man (referred to as “he” several times), but his name is redacted from the FBI report. Evidence strongly suggests that this PRN technician initially lied to the FBI, then changed his story and clammed up about any instructions he might have been given.

A bit of background: In December 2014, Cheryl Mills instructed the PRN tech to implement a change in Clinton’s e-mail-retention policy: "

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