Saturday, September 17, 2016

France Tries Combatting Terrorism. With 'De-Radicalization' Schools?!

France Tries Combatting Terrorism. With 'De-Radicalization' Schools?!
"Since allowing a crap ton of Muslim immigrants into their country, France has had a bit of a terrorist problem. 
We call that a direct correlation. 
Others might call it racist.
Image result for  terroristswhat could possibly go wrongBut Islam isn’t a race, stop it. 
...The latest brilliant plan to ensure potential terrorists are de-radicalized?
Sending them to school, or “centers,” if they don’t want to have a terroristy affliction anymore. Basically, making terrorism sound like a drug addiction.
Oh, and it’s all voluntary…
France plans on building 12 of these centers, which can only accommodate up to 25 people at one time.
French officials told The Washington Post that the centers were for potential terrorists “looking for way out” and that the government could not order citizens to take part.
Basically, if you make the decision on your own that you don’t want to kill in the name if Islam anymore, there’s a place for you..."

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